여태 어디 있었습니까?
Where have you been?
지난 주말 어떻게 보냈습니까?
What did you do last weekend?
주말에 어디에 가셨습니까?
Where did you go over the weekend?
다시 만나서 반갑습니다.
It's good to see you again.
요즘 당신 보기 힘들군요.
I haven't seen much of you lately.
잘 왔다. 기다리고 있었는데.
You're a sight for eyes.
나는 여기서 당신을 보리라곤 기대하지 않았습니다.
I didn't expect to see you here.
요즘 우연히 잘 만나게 되네요.
We seem to run into each other often lately.
또 만나게 되었군요.
Our paths have finally crossed.
그냥 인사하려고 들렸어요.
I just stopped by to say hello.
잘 지내고 있어.
I'm doing well. Not so good.
좋은 하루 보내세요.
당신도 역시 좋은 하루 보내세요.
Have a nice day.
The same to you.
나중에 봅시다.
See you later (again, around).
So long.
See you next time.
또 보자.
Catch you later.
안녕히 가세요.
Take care.
잘 가세요.
Take it easy.
keep up the good work.
: 주로 사장이 직원들에게, 선생님이 학생들에게,
웃사람이 아랫사람에게 지금까지 잘해왔다고
칭찬하며 일을 계속하라고 격려하는 것
수고하십시오(헤어질 때 쓰는 인사말)
Take care!
Take it easy!
You're working hard.
그렇게까지 수고 않으셔도 됐는데...
You shouldn't have gone to all the trouble.
수고해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for your trouble.
너의 가족에게 안부 전해줘.
Please say hello to your family.
Please Give my (best) regards to your family.
Please remember me to your family.
Please say hi to your family.
Say hello for me.
Say hello to your family for me.
Tell your family I said hello.
Will you say hi to your family for me?
Give my love to your family.
'연락하자'는 말의 표현
I'll keep in touch.
Let' s keep in touch.
I hope I will see you again.
Let's meet some other time.
Stay in touch. 등이 있음
연락주세요, 편지하세요.
Drop me a line.
언제 한 번 만납시다.
Let's get together sometime.
이제 그만 가야겠다
I must be going now. ·
I've got to be on my way.
Now I gotta be off.
I'll leave now.
I'm in a hurry.
Please let me go, won't you?
자주 만납시다.
Let's meet more often.
Please be back soon.
A : Well, Jane. It's getting late.
I think I should be going.
B : Jack. I really enjoyed meeting you.
A : Same here. Let's get together again.
B : OK. I'll give you a call. And give my regards to your mother.
A : Sure, I will. Take care.
B : See you around.
A : 자, 제인. 어두워지네. 이제 가야할 것 같아.
B : 잭. 만나서 정말 반가웠어.
A : 나도 그래. 다시 한번 또 만나자.
B : 좋아, 내가 전화할께. 그리고 어머니께 안부 전해줘.
A : 그럴께. 잘 가.
B : 또 보자.
A : John, this is Jane. She's my classmate.
B : Hi, nice to meet you , Jane.
C : Hi, nice to meet you, too. I've heard a lot about you.
B : Haven't we met before ?
C : I don't think so.
B : I must be thinking of someone else.
A : 존, 이 사람이 제인이야. 우리 반 친구야.
B : 안녕. 만나서 반가워, 제인.
C : 안녕, 나도 만나서 반가워. 너에 대해 많이 이야기 들었어.
B : 저, 우리 전에 만난 적이 있니?
C : 아닌 것 같은데.
B : 아, 잘못 봤어, 그럼. 미안해.
A : Hi! How's it going?
B : I'm doing great. I haven't seen you for a long time.
What have you been doing?
A : Keeping busy, studying computers.
B : Good for you. Let's keep in touch.
A : 안녕, 어떻게 지내니?
B : 잘 지내지. 오랫 만이야.
어떻게 지냈니?
A : 바빴지, 컴퓨터 공부하느라.
B : 잘됐구나. 연락하고 지내자