영어 면접 PRACTICE 1
<나이, 생년월일>
Will you tell me when your birthday is?
Answer 1:I was born on the 10th of November, 1980.
Answer 2: My birthday is August 7th. I will be 22 years old this August.
Answer 2: 제 생일은 8월 7일입니다. 저는 8월에 22세가 될 것입니다.
Answer 3:I was born on the 20th of April /I was born on April 20./I was born on April 20th.
When were you born?/What is your date of birth?
- I was born on May 5. 1980.
<날짜 표시>
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ∼20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 34th, ∼30th, 31st.
How old are you?
Answer 1: I am 19 years old, but will be 20 years old this September.
Answer 1: 저는 19세입니다. 하지만, 이번 9월에 20세가 됩니다.
Answer 2: I am 20 years old
Answer 3:I am 20 years of age, but will soon be 21.
Answer 4: I am 20 years old, but on May 3rd I will be 21 years old.
Answer 4:저는 20세입니다. 하지만, 5월 3일이면, 21세가 됩니다.
Answer 5: I will be 21 years old in April.
Answer 5: 저는 4월에 21세가 됩니다.
What made you decide to apply for this company?
(왜 우리 회사를 지원하게 되었습니까?)
- I think this company has a bright future and I’ll be able to develop my own capabilities, so I want to be a member of this company.
Do you expect you will be satisfied with this field?
(이 분야의 일에 만족할 수 있으리라고 생각합니까?)
- Yes, I do. And I think choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. Besides I guess working in this field will be suitable for my aptitude.
How many are there in your family?/ How big is your family?
(당신의 가족은 몇 명입니까?)
- There are six of us altogether.
What school did you graduate from?
(졸업한 학교는 어디입니까?)
- I graduated from
<취미>I love:
to read books by (writer e.g. Tolstoy ) because (reason e.g. his ideas about the society are timeless. )
to go to the gym three times a week.
mountain hiking. I love the view atop (mountain).
to scuba dive and snorkel.
having a couple of round with my friends at our favorite hang- out
listening to music. (genre e.g. rock ) is my type of music.
to see movies by (actor or actress)
I’m a:
sea lover and I go to the beach whenever I can.
stamp collector. I have a collection of 400 18th century stamps.
gym- goer. I work out three days a week.
book worm. I love Stephen King novels.
movie enthusiast. I saw all/most of (artist e.g. Tom Cruise's movies)
nature lover. I love watching the sunset.
I’m not much into (field e.g. sports but I’m an avid fan of) (team e.g. the Korea national football team)
< Describe yourself>
In my humble opinion, I’m a dependable person and I can get the job done. In whatever I do,
I try to do my best. I’m a team player, and you can lean on me when times are tough.
1. I can describe myself as hard- working, patient, trustworthy …
2. The best description I can have for myself is that I am a very outgoing person. It is very easy for me to get along with people. I am very dedicated to my job and I can work under pressure.
1] Question: Have you been employed?
지금까지 직장에서 일해 보신 경험이 있습니까?
Answer 1: I had a part time job at OOO hotel during school vacations.
Answer 1: 저는 OOO호텔에서 방학기간 동안 아르바이트 일을 하였습니다.
2] Question: Are you currently employed?
당신은 지금 직장에 다니시고 계신가요?
Answer 1: No, I've just graduated from University.
But I'm ( ) nowadays.
3] Question: What have you been doing since graduating from college?
대학졸업 이후 지금까지 무엇을 하셨습니까?
Answer 1: I have worked for OO department store as a clerk for three
years. Since I resigned last year, I have been attending
an English conversation class at a private institute, where
Americans teach.
Q : Have you ever lived abroad?
A4 : No, I've traveled abroad, but never lived abroad.
A4 : 아닙니다. 외국여행을 한 적은 있습니다. 그러나 살다온적은 없습니다
Q : 해외여행을 해본 경험이 있나요?
A1 : 지난해 여름방학 동안 친구와 같이 하와이에 갔습니다. 윈드서핑과 쇼핑으로 좋은 시간을 보냈습니다. 그리고 , 영어로 말할 수 있는 기회를 가졌고, 언어에 대한 자신감이 늘었습니다. 그러나, 많은 현지인이 한국말을 하는것을 보고 놀랐습니다.
A2 : 제가 2학년때 친구와 한달 간 유럽지역을 여행하였습니다. 우리는 배낭 여행을 했습니다. 비행기, 기차, 호텔 등을 예약하는 것이 무척 힘들었지만 좋은 경험이었습니다.
A3 : 불행히도, 외국여행을 한것이 없습니다. 그러나, 제가 전문대를 졸업한 후 유럽을 다녀올 계획입니다.
Q : Have you ever traveled abroad?
A1 : I went to <Hawaii> with a friend during summer vacation last year. I had a good time wind-surfing and shopping . I had a chance to speak English and increase my confidence in the language. But I was surprised to find so many local people speaking Korean.
A2 : When I was a <sophomore> , I traveled around Europe for a month with a friend. We set our own itinerary. It was very difficult to make arrangements for planes, trains and hotels, but it gave me some good experience.
A3 : Unfortunately, I've never been abroad. But I plan to go to Europe after I graduate from junior college.
How long do you think that we can depend on your working here?
I'd like to work hers as long as possible. And I want to continue my work after marry.
How much salary do you want to get?
I'd like to start at about 850,000 won a month.
I'd like to get 15million won as annual income.
I know that the annual income of the college graduated is about 15 million won.
So I'd like to get so much.
Please tell me what you think a job is.
I think a job is a way to make a living. It's my work that supports me and my family. Of course, but beyond that I think a job is a way of developing as person.
What kind of position would you like to have for this company?
I think I'm very active and outgoing person. So I'd like to work in a business section. I'll be able to develop my own capabilities in this section.
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