'나도 K영어 가이드'


I want you

써니제이 스피킹 2010. 9. 3. 13:23

나는 당신을 원해요. UNIT 10 Basic 1 I want you.
나는 그 모든 것을 원해요. UNIT 10 2 I want it all.
방하나 주세요. UNIT 10 3 I want a room, please.
난 날씬해지기를 원해요. UNIT 10 4 I want to slim down.
이건 알아두기 바랍니다. UNIT 10 5 I want you to know this.
당신이 우리와 함께해 주기를 원해요. UNIT 10 6 I want you to join us.
나는 여행을 가고 싶어요. pattern39 Useful 1 I want to take a trip.
나는 연예인이 되고 싶어요. pattern39 2 I want to be an entertainer.
나는 애완견을 기르고 싶어요. pattern39 3 I want to raise a pet dog.
며칠간 쉬었으면 좋겠어요. pattern39 4 I want to have a few days off.
나는 새 친구들을 사귀고 싶어요. pattern39 5 I want to have new friends.
전자제품 가게에 가보자. pattern39 Dialogue Let's go to the electronic store.
뭐 사려고? pattern39 Dialogue What do you want to buy?
MP3 플레이어 사고 싶거든. pattern39 Dialogue I want to buy an MP3 player.
좋아, 근데 나 배고파. 먼저 뭐 좀 먹자. pattern39 Dialogue Ok, But I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat first.
당신이 나를 도와주었으면 해요. pattern40 Useful 1 I want you to help me.
당신이 이리로 와주었으면 해요. pattern40 2 I want you to come here.
당신이 그걸 간직해줬으면 해요. pattern40 3 I want you to keep it.
당신이 그를 안내해줬으면 해요. pattern40 4 I want you to show him around.
다시 내 친구가 되어줬으면 해요. pattern40 5 I want you to be my friend again.
일 끝나고 남아줘. pattern40 Dialogue I want you to stay after work.
왜? 무슨 일인데? pattern40 Dialogue Why, what's the matter?
물어볼 게 좀 있어. pattern40 Dialogue I have something to ask you.
알았어. pattern40 Dialogue Okay.
당신이 알아서는 안될 것 같아요. pattern41 Useful 1 You don't want to know.
당신을 담배를 피우면 안될 것 같아요. pattern41 2 Yon don't want to smoke.
너무 서두르지 않는 게 좋을 거예요. pattern41 3 You don't want to rush in anything.
그 방에 들어가지 않는 게 좋을 거예요. pattern41 4 You don't want to go into the room.
그것에 대해 아무것도 말해서 안 될 것 같아요. pattern41 5 You don't want to say anything about it.
뭐 먹을까? pattern41 Dialogue What should we eat?
런치스페셜은 주문하지 않는 게 좋을 거야. pattern41 Dialogue You don't want to order lunch special.
왜? 먹어봤어? pattern41 Dialogue Why? Have you ever tried it?
어. 먹어봤는데 형편없어. pattern41 Dialogue Yes, I have. It's terrible.
난 단지 당신이 보고 싶었을 뿐이에요. pattern42 Useful 1 I just wanted to see you.
그저 감사하다고 말하고 싶었어요. pattern42 2 I just wanted to say thank you.
난 단지 당신과 얘기하고 싶었을 뿐이에요. pattern42 3 I just wanted to talk with you.
난 단지 그와 친구가 되고 싶었을 뿐이에요. pattern42 4 I just wanted to be friends with him.
난 단지 당신을 사랑한다고 말하고 싶었을 뿐이에요. pattern42 5 I just wanted to tell you I love you.
여전히 바쁘니? pattern42 Dialogue Are you still busy?
지금은 괜찮아. 여긴 웬일이야? pattern42 Dialogue Not right now. What are you doing here?
생일 축하한다는 말을 하고 싶어서. pattern42 Dialogue I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
오! 정말 고마워. pattern42 Dialogue Oh! Thank so much.


출처- 토킹덤

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