'나도 K영어 가이드'


리딩 레슨 플랜

써니제이 스피킹 2008. 3. 12. 23:59

Reading Lesson Plan

 테솔 영어 교육- 레슨 플렌

영어로 영어 수업을 할때 리딩 훈련을 위한 수업 플랜 


Materials: White board & Markers   

Time: 3 min  Set Up: Whole



T: Hello everyone! How are you doing today?
S: Answer
T: Pick 2 or 3 students and ask their feeling today
S: Answer (answer will be vary)

Explaining Today’s Lesson Direction through Eliciting

T: Then, can you describe your feeling when you fail something?
Pick another 3 or 4 students and ask the question.
S: Answer will very (example: depressed, sad, powerless, etc.)

T: Write student’s answer at the right side on the board. And pick another 3 or 4 students and ask one more question.
T: What is your feeling when you succeed or obtain something that you want to get?
S: Answer will vary (happy, satisfied, joyful, etc.)

T: Also write student’s answer at the left side on the board.

T: As all human being, we feel happy or satisfied when we succeed or achieve something, on the other hand, if we fail or lose something we want to have, we feel depressed, blue and even powerless.
But we don’t need to worry about this fluctuation. If we remember one thing and try to focus on it in our mind, we can be happy all the time whether we succeed or fail. (while talking, draw a circle below 2 categories of student’s answers)

T: Write trust, faith, self-reliance and self-assurance under it.
T: These words are related to this thing. Can you probably guess what this word is about?

Now, I will distribute a reading story with a question and let’s find out what this is all about. We will talk about it after reading.
I will give you 3 minutes to read and answer the question individually


Materials: White board, Markers and 14 copies of Reading story    

Time: 6 min  Set Up: Whole & Individual


Concept Checking

T: Class, What did I just say? What will we do? (point to 1 student)
S: We will read a story and answer a question
T: Good. How long will you work?
S:  For 3 minutes
T: Individual or pair work?
S: Individual work.
T: You guys are very cooperative today. Ok. Let’s start reading..

Distribute reading papers to students.

3 minutes are given to students and while students are working, teacher monitors students by checking their answers & walking in the class room.
3 minutes later

Reading and Q & A for topic word & Vocabulary checking

T: Do you finish your reading and answer the question?
S: Yes
T: Who needs more time to read?
S: Nobody….
T: OK. Class. What did you read? Did you understand what this reading is about? What is the answer of the question here?
(pick 1 student and let him or her read a question )
And Look around class and ask question.
S: Answer.
If answer is not correct or different against the right answer, ask students more questions until teacher gets a right answer.
And if answer is right, teacher gives compliment by saying “very good!! that is a very good answer” Put the word in the circle
T: As we know answer now, we will talk about confidence today.
It is our topic word. CONFINDENCE!
T: What is confidence exactly? How do you define it?
S: Answer will vary.
T: Give the meaning of word.
Confidence is feeling of assurance and belief in your ability that you can do all things. If you have confidence, you are sure about something, and you feel certain it is correct and if you have confidence in someone, you can trust them and tell them secret.
And below the circle, write the transformed words of confidence.
(adverb, adjective ) and write lack of confidence &  full of confidence. And give explanation. Is there any other vocabulary you do not know here? If students say yes, ask the word and give explanation.
Now, class!  Pay attention. Please. I will hand out other worksheets. You will do work alone. And I will give you another 5 minutes   

Main Activity    
Materials: 14 copies of Question Work Sheet 1   

Time: 8 min Set Up: Whole & Individual

Concept Checking

T: What are we going to do now?
S: Solve questions of work sheet
T: Will you work alone? Or with your partner?
S: It is individual work.
T: How long will you work on it?
S: For 5 minutes.
T: Now you can start.

Distribute work sheets to students.
When teacher distribute papers, make sure that students understand questions exactly through clear direction.

Solving questions & Comprehension check

5 minutes are given to students and while students are working, teacher checks whole class and walks around the class room

5 minutes later

T: Pay attention please, time is up.
Let’s check the answers!!

T: Point to 1 student
Alex, What is your answer for the question no. 1?
S: Read his or her work.
T: Ask whole class’ agreement.
S: Yes, that is right. We also think so.

T: Call next student.
Same procedure to the final question.

T: Very good job. Well done.

T: Now I’ll give you another 5 minutes to write your own answers for questions. And then we will share our own opinions. Ok?
It is pair work.

Materials: 14 copies of Question Work Sheet 2   

Time: 8 min Set Up: Whole & Individual

Concept Checking

T: How much time do you have?
S: 5 minutes
T: What are you going to do?
S: Write our opinions
T: Will you write your ideas alone or with your partner?
S: We will do writing with our partner.
T: Very good. Let’s start!!
Hand out papers.
For 5 minutes, teacher monitors student’s writing work in the class
Writing  for Reading Comprehension & Discussion

T: Ok Class! Time is up. Do you finish your work?
S: Yes.
T: Is there anybody who wants more time?
S: No.
T: You 2 will be the1st group, what is your answer of question No.1?
Please read a question first and answer.
1st Group: Read a question with their own answer.
T: Ask the whole class what they just heard to make sure that they listen to them well.
T: Call next group by turn.
T: Very good, then what is the answer of question No.2?
2nd Group: Answers
Same procedure to the final question.

T: Very Nice Work Today!
T: What did we learn today?
Write student’s answers on the board for the final summarization.

Wrap-up for Review & Homework

T: It’s time to close our class now.
You have homework today.
Your homework is writing an essay of your own experience related to the confidence. Any kinds of experience sharing will be fine. It can be  through your work, school, love, money, whatever, you ever felt confident or less confident. Essay length is about 30 sentences..

Concept Checking
T: what do you have to do? (to entire class) Would you repeat it?
S: Answers
T: Excellent! Now we can finish our class now.
Thank you to all students. Take care, See you guys later.. 


Reading Story

Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers,
You can’t be successful or happy.
But with a strong self-confidence, you can succeed or happy.
It is sad to realize that many people become miserable by the lack of confidence.  Lack of confidence apparently is one of the great problems of people today. Everywhere you meet people who are afraid inside and doubt their own abilities or powers.
We have to build-up strong confidence in ourselves so that we can do everything we want and achieve our goals successfully.


According to the above story,
What is the thing to help us to succeed and be happy when we are afraid and lose belief in ourselves?


Question Work Sheet 1

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the right transformed forms of “confidence”.

He walks the 42nd street ___________ to show off his power.
But everyone doesn’t like him at all.

They wanted me to have _____________attitude about my life.
Because they didn’t like my lack of confidence very much at that time.


Match the words

Match a, b, c properly with the given descriptions

a. less confident    too much sure about something

b. confident     powerless and feel not sure of something

c. full of confident    Sure of something with a good feeling


Sentence Drill

Make your own sentence with “Lack of confidence”  or  “Full of confidence”
Choose only 1 expression between lack of confidence and full of confidence


Question Work Sheet 2

Please read below questions, write your own answers and share them with others.


What is the main idea of this reading story?

How can you develop strong confidence in yourself?

Do you believe in your own power and ability?

Have you ever suffered from lack of confidence in your life?




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