승무원 영어 - 예상 인터뷰 질문들
Warming-up 인터뷰 질문
1. Can i ask your name?
2. How do you feel?
3. Are you nervous?
4. What time did you come?
5. What did you do before you came here?
6. Where do you live?
7. How long did it take to get here?
8. Can you tell me how you get here?
9. Did you have breakfast (lunch)?
학교 / 전공 / 외국어 에 관한 인터뷰 질문
1. Are you a student?
2. What do you do now?
3. What is your major?
4. Why did you choose this major?
5. What did you learn from your study?
6. What is your favorite and worst subject?
7. What kind of activities di you do at your school?
8. Do you think you are a good student?
9. Did you study hard?
10. You are good at speaking English. Have you ever been abroad to study English?
11. How did you study English?
12. Can you speak another language?
13. Can you tell me about your university life?
성격 / 취미 / 특기 / 자신에 관한 사적인 인터뷰 질문
1. Do you think you are a very fortunate person?
2. Are you hard worker?
3. What is your strong point?
4. What is your weak point?
5. Do you have many friends?
6. When you make friends, what is the most important for you?
7. What is the meaning of true friendship?
8. Can you describe one of your best friends?
9. Can you tell me about a book you recently read?
10. Can you tell me about the story?
11. Have you watched a movie recently?
12. Have you read a news recently?
13. What is the biggest headline news these days?
14. What is the most impressive movie you've ever seen?
15. What is your hobby?
16. What foods do you like?
17. Can you recommend any good restaurants that are located near your place?
18. Do you drink? what is your limit?
19. What do you do in your spare time?
20. How many members are there in your family?
21. Who is your mentor?
22. Can you tell me about your childhood?
23. What has been your biggest success in life?
24. What do you think the leadership is?
25. What kind of quality is most important to lead a team successfully in your work?
건강 / 스트레스 에 관한 인터뷰 질문
1. Do you think you are healthy?
2. How can you keep your health?
3. What food is good for your health?
4. Can you endure pressure?
5. When do you get stressed out?
6. How do you handle your stress?
7. How will you help your coworker who gets stresses?
여행 / 여행지 / 장소에 관한 질문
1. Have you ever been abroad?
2. Where have you been?
3. Why did you go there?
4. What did you do there?
5. Which cities were the best you've been so far?
6. How different are they than Korea?
7. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
8. Can you tell me about Jeju Island
9. Can you tell me about Myung-dong?
10. If foreigner asks you the best place to go in Seoul, where would you like to recommend?
11. What is your vacation this year?
12. If you become a flight attendant, where do you like to go first? and why?
13. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?
14. What did you learn through traveling?
서비스 / 아르바이트 / 경력에 관한 인터뷰 질문
1. What do you do for a living at present?
2. Can you tell me about your current job?
3. Have you ever worked in the service field?
4. Can you tell me about your working experience?
5. What id you learn through your part time jobs?
6. Do you think your prior working career will be useful in this field?
7. Can you tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer?
회사 / 승무원 직업에 관한 인터뷰 질문
1. Have you ever applied to our company?
2. If yes, why did you apply to our company?
3. Are you interviewing with any other companies?
4. Can i ask why you decided to choose our company?
5. Why are you interested in this company?
6. Why do you want to become a flight attendant?
7. How did you prepare this interview?
8. There are so many applicants. Why should i hire you of all people?
9. Do you believe you are qualified to be a flight attendant?
10. How do you think about our uniform?
11. Do you know how many cities we serve?
12. Do you know the new cities we have recently started serving?
13. What is your impression of a flight attendant?
14. What are some advantages and disadvantages of becoming a flight attendant?
15. What kind of flight attendant do you want to be?
16. once you become a flight attendant. which kind of service do you like to offer?
17. What are some important characteristices of becoming a flight attendant?
18. Do your parents want you to be a flight attendant?
19. Are you comfortable with the uniform?
20. Which one is more important? safety or good service?
21. How long will you work at our company?
22. What will you do in 10 years?
23. What is your short-term / long-term goal?
24. Do you like working along or as part of a team?
25. Can you define good customer service?
기내에서 발생 가능한 상황별 인터뷰 질문
1. If the passenger complains that it is really hot in the place, what would you do?
2. If there is a bomb threat, how would you handle this situation?
3. If a passenger wants to change his/her seat to first class, what would you do
4. If a passenger asks you on a date, how will you react?
5. If you have some tension with your senior, how can you handle it?
6. How will you handle if there are some difficult problems with foreign passengers?
7. How can you explain 비빔밥 to foreign passengers?
8. If a passenger happen to touch your body? what will you do?
9. There could be a lot of emergency situations on airplanes. How can you handle them?
10. If a passenger takes a blanket, what will you do?
11. When you get your 1st payment, what do you like to do with that money?
12. How would you handle toward an angry passenger?
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