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써니제이 스피킹 2007. 2. 20. 13:42


Business English Term and expression 




자유시장: open market                                            

시세가 보합상태에 있다: the market is maintained

공개시장: public market                                           

시황이 상향되다: the market takes an upward turn

시장조작: open market operation                             

시세가 내리다: to slop back

시중할인율: market rate of discount                         

시황 폭락: the market breaks down

국내시장: the home, domestic market   


회복, 반등하다: to regain, rebound

외환시장: foreign exchange market                         

시장을 찾아다니다: to look around the market for

자본시장: capital market                                          

판로가 있다: to find , have a market for

시가: market price, market value                             

판로를 개척하다: to open, create a market for

시황보고: market report                                           

판로를 확보하다: to establish a market for

시장배급(판매): marketing                          

판로침투를 잘 하다: to be well into the market


시가변동: the fluctuations of the market                   

판로를 잃다, 놓치다: to lose, miss a market

시황: the state, condition of the market                   

판로를 훼손하다: to mar the market

시장의 움직임: the market movements                    

판로를 개선하다: to mend the market

시장추세: the trend of the market                             

매매하다: to make the market


시장에서 부정조작하다: to manipulate the market     

암거래하다: to deal on a back market

시장에서 매점하다: to engross the market               

~ 이 매물로 나와 있다: to be in the market

시장을 파괴하다: to break down, smash the market 

시장에 들이지 않다: to keep ~ out of the market

시가를 흔들어 대다: to shake down the market  

시가가 오르다: to be in a better market

시가를 올리다: to boost the market                         

시가가 내리다: to be off the market

판매에 노력하다: to work the market          


시장에 호, 악영향을 미치다: to affect the market

일반시장에서 팔다: to sell in the market favorable, adversely

시가로 사다: to buy at the market               

다 팔려서 시중에 없다: to be taken off the market

시장에 나와있다: to be at the market                       

판매를 개시하다: to come into the market

팔려고 내놓다: to put~ on the market                       

~이 덤핑되다: to be dumped on the market



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