신용: credit
신용 팽창: expansion of credit
외상 계정: credit account
신용확장(연장): extension of credit
외상 거래: credit transaction 신용 결핍: lack of credit
외상 매매 조건: credit terms
사채: debenture
외상 매가: credit price
대부금: loan
외상 매입: credit purchase
담보물건: security
외상 매출: credit sale / sale on credit
투자: investment
신용을 얻다: to gain credit
신용을 손상하다: to injure one’s credit
신용을 잃다: to lose credit
신용조건을 무시하다: to violate terms of credit
저당하다: to pawn, mortgage
신용을 설정하다: to establish a credit with
Discount / 할인
할인하다: To discount
할인의 특전을 부여하다: to give the benefit of a discount
할인 받다: to obtain, secure, get a discount, To make a discount
할인율을 올리다: to raise, increase the rate of discount,
To make a discount of 10%
할인으로 사다: to buy at a discount, To allow, grant a discount
To reduce, To lower the rate of discount
To make a reduction in price, To make a concession in price
To rebate, To deduct
고소하다: To go to law ,To bring a suite against person
강경한 수단을 취하다: to adopt other measures for
변호사에게 넘기다: to put into the hands of a solicitor, To put into courts
소송에 착수하다: to commence a law suit,
To take legal proceedings, steps
소송에 걸려들다: to be involved in a law suit,
To institute legal action against a person
소송에 이기다,지다: to win(lose) a law suit
강제 집행 하다: to effect a seizure, To adopt legal measures
To proceed, prosecute against
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